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Top Summer Road Trip Tunes!

Egan Payne

Top ten songs to listen to this summer! This summer it’s time to travel and the best way to travel is with some music. We got rock and pop and everything in between on this top seven list of hit songs from 1990’s to today.

Blurred lines by Robin Thicke

You know this one right? But I love it because it is a catchy, upbeat, heavy pop song! Very singable in the car as you cruise down the highway.

All the Small Things by Blink 182

This is the song you'll be playing the drums on your steering wheel as you cruise down the open road. Just remember to keep your eyes on the road and stay in control of the car please!

Electric Love by BØRNS

It’s very passionate, super catchy and has unique melodies and sounds, which make it an exciting road trip jam.

Sole Survivor by Asia

Is is rock? Is it pop? I think it is a great mix of both that is a perfect addition to your road trip playlist.

Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond

This one is great for road trips because almost everyone knows the lyrics. It’s fun to sing along to and an overall great song!

Toxic by Britney Spears

To me it has a slightly odd melody, but that's why I love it and it is so fun to listen to. A great song to pop on if it is a slower day, because this one will get everyone going!

Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus

It’s fun to yell the words while driving on the highway, and to quote WLTL Public Affairs Director Jack Hull, “this one brings out my inner girl." I hear you Jack. We all hear you on this one!

And of course, if you don't want to curate your own summer road trip playlist, you can just download the free Audacy app for your smartphone and take WLTL wherever you go this summer! Get it today by clicking here.



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